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Anything you download is yours to keep forever — royalty-free. There’s no need to track licenses on a per project basis.

You can distribute your finished projects anywhere, at any time. Your license never expires and there are no location restrictions.

Products sold with Royalty Free Licenses can be used for commercial purposes with no additional liabilities, extra royalties or other license fees applied for multiple usage of the product and volume of the end product (e.g. video game, film, animation, VR/AR application, visualization, etc.) incorporating the product sold. Products published on Videorista may not be sold, given, or assigned to another person or entity in the form it is downloaded from the site.

In specific cases Stock Video or Virtual Sets with Royalty Free License may display additional note "Editorial uses only, additional clearances may be required". This is an automatically generated message to notify users that the intellectual property associated with the design in the product might require additional authorization from the original rights holders. Without additional clearances, the product can only be used in an editorial manner and may not be used for any commercial, promotional, advertising, or merchandising purposes.

No, the designer of the product keeps the right to the product and can determine how long the product is available for sale and can sell the digital files unlimited number of times. You, as a buyer of the product, however, are allowed to use the Stock Video or Virtual Set multiple times in your projects, with no limits imposed on the time period or sales volume of final product such as video, film, animation, video game, VR/AR application, or any project incorporating the purchased content.